Our Storyboards and Presets are all here to help you tell your story, whether you’re working with us or going solo!


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Download our storyboards here. One click to download all our storyboards then pick which one you want to use. Use it as inspiration and draw out your own, add extra scenes or just use as a digital image for reference.



Lightroom presets to help you create photos that tell your story with efficiency and speed. With one click you can create an image that only needs a few tweaks to finish. We will continue to update these downloads.


Premiere Pro Colour Grading and LUTs to create a quick way to get your footage looking good. If you can get your image to the right place quickly, that means more time for stories and adventure.

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Stock Science Footage.

Sometimes you need some footage to go in to your video that you don’t have the time, money or resources to create. We’ve started compiling some footage that is free for scientists and educators to use to tell their story. We’re far from making it perfect but for now there’s a YouTube playlist to look through the footage and a DropBox folder to download the clips from.

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